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International Women's Day 2024 at Storm Games.

Derived from, today, March 8th signifies 'International Women's Day, a worldwide celebration honoring the social, economic, cultural, and political advancements made by women. It also serves as a rallying cry for expediting women's equality.' Today is important because it celebrate women's achievement, raises awareness about discrimination and helps to take action to drive gender parity. 

International Women’s Day is important to Storm Games. In an industry typically dominated by males, such as the gaming sector, International Women's Day provides an occasion to spotlight the accomplished women in the field who have earned their positions. It also offers an opportunity to increase awareness of the challenges faced by women in a predominantly male environment. Storm is committed to fostering a workplace where both genders are treated with fairness and equality, offering equal opportunities to all and our women are a prime example of this.

Meet the women of Storm Games Below:

Sabrina Howells holds the position of Commercial Director within our company, Storm. It's truly inspiring to witness a woman in such a prominent role. Having built a distinguished career in business development, Sabrina serendipitously found her path aligning with Storm, marking the beginning of her journey with the company. Since then, Sabrina has become an indispensable asset to Storm's success, playing a pivotal role in its growth and spearheading significant deals and achievements in recent years. Not only does she oversee sales management, but she also fosters a culture of harmony within the workplace. Sabrina's exceptional performance spans across every aspect of the business, showcasing her multifaceted talent and dedication.

Natalie Finney holds the position of Financial Clerk at Storm. In her role, she undertakes administrative duties, manages financial transactions, and maintains meticulous records, all of which are crucial for upholding precise financial documentation. Natalie collaborates closely with both Storm's management team and our parent company, Primero Games, to safeguard financial stability and foster growth for Storm. Natalie's position not only challenges stereotypes by breaking the tradition of male dominance in financial roles but also serves as a tangible symbol of the advancing gender equality. Through her work, she effortlessly demonstrates that women not only have the freedom to pursue any career they choose but also possess the skills and capabilities to excel, on par with men. With her extensive experience, Natalie is an invaluable member of the team.

Megan Sheldon serves as the Marketing Executive at Storm. Growing up with a father deeply entrenched in the gaming industry, Megan developed a passion for games from an early age. This familial connection, coupled with Storm's CEO's significant influence in the field, motivated Megan to join the company nearly two years ago. Her primary goal was to enhance the marketing of games and bolster Storm's social media presence. Recently, she has taken on the responsibility of overseeing Storm's participation in exhibitions, including ICE. Inspired by Sabrina's achievements, Megan is invigorated in her role, eagerly anticipating the progression of her career within the industry.

Join us in celebrating International Women's Day

Participate in our commemoration of International Women's Day by aiding in spreading awareness about the importance of this occasion in advancing gender equality within the workplace. Visit to find out more.

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