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Asking Storm employees one lesson they’ve learnt in the gaming industry.

Receiving feedback from our team holds great importance and fostering continuous learning is a cornerstone of any workplace culture. Therefore, we asked a few of our employees at Storm what one lesson have they learnt from working in the Gaming industry or specifically at Storm.

Discover some of the invaluable lessons our employees have learnt below:

Carl Green (Production Manager) 

The main thing I’ve learned from working for Storm is that everything takes a lot longer than people want it too - so to avoid getting stressed you need to exercise immense patience and accept that that's the way it is. An example of a learning experience at the office includes that I once sat with Paul (......) and he taught me about the maths engine - basically how the games work from a maths point of view and that was fantastic - I still have the notes! 

Ross Adams (Lead QA) 

One of the main lessons I have learnt within the gaming industry is the availability to adapt to working across multiple different products simultaneously. It requires good organization, time management, and the ability to prioritize effectively while keeping a cool head in the process. 

Louie Jordan (Games Artist) 

I've worked within the gaming industry now for over two years and I think the biggest lesson that I have learnt is that the industry is ever evolving. This makes day to day life at work extremely exciting but also requires a level of forward thinking to ensure we are always innovating with the games we create. I'm so passionate about my role as an artist here and thoroughly enjoy working with the team at Storm, so the fast-paced nature of the industry is what makes my job even more fulfilling! 


Alex Taylor (Senior Developer)  

Communication! The key to getting high quality games released on time is to make sure you're following the right path - If you're unsure of something, whether it's the wording of a line of text or an entire feature, it's better to get it clarified early on than have to backtrack or redo work with the deadline looming... 

Joe Sheldon (Software Developer) 

I've learnt that thorough planning and detailed specifications are crucial for ensuring the successful and organized completion of a project. 

Paul Sira (Senior Developer) 

In the fast-paced and dynamic environment of the gambling industry, tenacity and a can-do attitude are essential qualities that enable individuals to tackle challenges and deliver consistent success. 


Collins Ushi (Software Engineer)  

Attention to details is key; even the smallest features can have a significant impact when implemented effectively. I’ve also learned the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance; burning out only stifles creativity. 


David King (Head of DevOps) 

In the gaming industry, simplicity of software and cloud architecture is key. Keeping systems straightforward under-the-hood prevents the software being bloated and over-engineered. If the code can change easily the business can develop products for new markets and capitalise on new opportunities very quickly. I think there is a common public perception of underhand practices in the gaming industry, but working at Storm has shown me that the industry is tightly regulated, and the games are fair. Having worked directly with testing houses and compliance, it is evident through the third-party testing and thorough auditing that fairness is a top priority in gaming. 


Steve Bird (Creative Director) 

For game art, it's crucial to have a genuine passion for a project and the game development process in general. This enthusiasm shines through in every aspect of your work. Even if a project brief initially seems confusing, finding a single element that sparks excitement can tie everything together. Some of the most enjoyable projects to work on are often the ones with the quirkiest ideas. 

Megan Sheldon (Marketing Executive)  

I believe that when we consider the gaming industry, it's evident how fast-paced it can be, with constant deadlines for game releases. Amidst this whirlwind, it's crucial to remain composed and find enjoyment in our work. Given that we devote a significant portion of our week to our jobs, finding fulfilment, especially during stressful periods, is paramount across all industries. I've also gained valuable insights from our Commercial Director, Sabrina, especially in navigating stressful situations. She emphasises the importance of maintaining perspective and staying focused on our goals.  

Food for thought: What insights have you gained about your industry or workplace?

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